1. BIPOC stories and perspectives matter.

There’s a serious diversity problem not only in the travel industry but in the beauty, fashion, and honestly – most industries. I believe we all need to do better to bring about change and move towards better representation not only in the media we see but on the teams, staff, and boards behind the scenes of these companies as well. That is why I only partner with brands and companies who have already taken action or are actively taking steps towards creating a more inclusive company – whether that is working with more BIPOC influencers on social media marketing campaigns, or hiring BIPOC staff and management internally.

I am still learning how I can be a better ally, but on my journey, I am using these resources, which you might find helpful too:

You can also use this article to find Black-Owned bookstores by state.

2. Cruelty-free beauty is the only beauty I’ll use.

Ever since I was a little girl, I have been a cruelty-free beauty user. I wrote articles about cosmetic animal testing for my high school newspaper, handed out flyers about the travesties of cosmetic animal testing, and even received a scholarship from the Humane Society of America for my work as a teenager to educate people about the horrible industry and how people can move towards cruelty-free beauty. I only work with cruelty-free beauty companies!

3. We have a social responsibility as travelers to look after the planet and do our part.

That is why I’m proud to have partnered with Make It Wild UK and have pledged to offset 24 tonnes of carbo emissions in 2020-2021.

Make It Wild UK is a family-owned carbon mitigation company in North Yorkshire, UK who helps individuals, as well as businesses, offset their carbon footprint by planting trees in their nature reserve. To date, they have planted 37,000 trees. They just launched their Carbon Offsetting Subscriptions – meaning frequent travelers like you and I can offset our carbon footprint on a rolling basis.

There are 5 different subscription plans:

  • GROVE: offsets the carbon footprint of a typical person in the UK
  • COPSE: offsets the carbon footprint if you fly regularly
  • ORCHARD: offsets the carbon footprint of a family with several vehicles, or who travel a lot
  • WOODLAND: offsets the carbon footprint of a medium to large business
  • FOREST: offsets the carbon footprint of a large business 

carbo offsetting, How to carbon offset, how to reduce carbon footprint, wanderluluu, make it wild uk

I also do my best to stay at ec0-friendly properties and substitute for more ec0-friendly products whenever possible. It is my aim to work with more sustainable brands and brands that are prioritizing the planet.


If you have any questions about the Wanderluluu values & ethics please reach out to wanderer@wanderluluu.com

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